Broadcaster's Foundation of America
What on earth is someone like ME doing in the television business!? I come from a little town in North Georgia. There were no TV stations and only one tiny AM radio station where I grew up. I have been privileged to have a career as a broadcaster. Thanks to my job, I have been to countries I only dreamed of, interviewed presidents and kings -- even dined at Buckingham Palace! It's all because of my career as a television journalist.
Theodore Roosevelt said everyone owes a debt to the profession that provides them employment. I KNOW how blessed I am because of my job -- that's why I am honored to serve as I have for more than a decade on the Board of Directors for the Broadcasters Foundation of America. We are the only charity that exists for the sole purpose of providing for broadcasters who hit on hard times. We are the safety net for those in my business who don't have one.
You may hear about the big bucks earned by the famous people you see on TV, but most broadcasters - the behind-the-scenes-folks - earn regular salaries. When hard times hit, there is often very little financial cushion to fall back on.
At the Broadcasters Foundation, we work to raise money through gala dinners, golf outings and plain old arm-twisting. We then turn around and give that money to our colleagues in need. No documented legitimate request is turned away. If you work in this business - you should give. If you worked in this business and you have need - we are here.
The video I produced below will tell you all about why the Broadcasters Foundation is so important.