Book Articles

Picking A Book Cover
You can’t judge a book by its cover, but a book does have to have a cover. For me, that means an insanely long fantasy-filled day with the photographer. Check out this book cover photo shoot with the incredibly talented photographer Timothy Sanders-White
Writing a book is MUCH easier than getting the thing published. PICKING THE COVER is one of the hardest parts. Remember how hard it was to pick your "Senior Photo" a hundred years ago in High School? This is worse. MUCH worse!
Before you can pick a cover photo, you've got to get a picture made and I was lucky to work with truly the best team in the business for the photo session. It's a pain in the neck to get a picture made, so we decided to kill two birds with one stone and do publicity photos for Inside Edition at the same time. Thomas Nelson Publishers got their cover photo. I felt like I was trying out for America's Next Top Model!
We ended up with more than 1,000 pictures to choose from! And that was after they took out the obvious rejects like closed eyes and dorky expressions! YIKES!
When Choosing a Book Cover You MUST Remember:
The picture is supposed to "pop"
The cover should convey a sense of what's inside the book
The cover should "draw" people to pick the book up
The copy should share enough to "intrigue" but not give it all away
MOST IMPORTANT: The Author should NOT look FAT!
Here are six contenders for the cover for Thank You Power – and the one we finally all agreed on!

Thank You Power Comes to School
"I was watching The View the other morning when you were on it promoting your book "Thank You Power," and at the time I was in a pickle because I had to choose a topic for a paper for an English class I am in for college. I wanted to choose something that would affect everyone and have it be something that was not like abortion or same-sex marriage, because those have been done to death. When I saw that segment, I knew that this topic was perfect."

What Others Have Said
"Aretha Franklin has nothing on Deborah Norville when it comes to understanding the power and importance of respect. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to do anything with anyone else."
-Dick Parsons
Chairman, Citigroup; and
Former Chairman and CEO, Time Warner
“Deborah Norville reminds us all of what is really important in life. The principles in this book work! If you want to be happy and healthy and change your life for the better, READ THIS BOOK!”
-Sean Hannity
FOX News
“In her terrific new book, Deborah Norville proves that respect never goes out of style. It offers a fresh take on a simple but powerful truth: treating others well is the cornerstone of good businessand a good life.”
-Leonard A. Lauder
Chairman Emeritus, The Estée Lauder Companies, Inc.
“This book could not be more timely! Deborah Norville reminds us of the crucial importance of respect in everyday life and why everyone wins when we treat others, and ourselves, respectfully. 'The Power of Respect' should be required reading at home; in businesses, schools, and non-profit organizations; and in leadership training programs. In short, every relationship will benefit from the insights contained in Ms. Norville’s valuable book.”
-Bruce Weinstein, PhD
The Ethics Guy® and Author, Is It Still Cheating If I Don’t Get Caught?
“Deborah Norville is the perfect person to explore respect in this inspiring and practical book. With scientific research, she proves that valuing ourselves and each other is not only important but vital to a strong life.”
-Marcus Buckingham
New York Times Best-Selling Author, Now, Discover Your Strengths
"Deborah Norville uses respect to build integrity into our relationships and honor into our lives."
-Mehmet Oz, MD
New York Times Best-Selling Author, The You Series
“It’s the one commodity with zero cost and unlimited gain. It won’t shrink your wallet or reduce your list of friends. It’s respect. And, as Deborah Norville skillfully reminds us, practicing the power of respect could quite possibly improve the course of society. Thanks, Deborah, for this insightful study. Count me in!”
-Max Lucado
Pastor and New York Times Best-Selling Author
“Just what the doctor ordered! Respect means consideration of others and Deborah Norville makes a powerful, and respectful, case as to why we would enrich our own lives and of those around us by making a more conscious effort to live up to this ‘forgotten element’ of living.”
-Steve Forbes
Chairman and CEO, Forbes Media
“The foundation of every relationship, whether at home or work, is respect. If you don’t respect the people in your life, then you’ll never become someone they can respect. In 'The Power of Respect,' Deborah Norville shines a spotlight on our self-focused society and reminds us of the life-changing power of valuing other people above ourselves.”
-Dave Ramsey
Radio Talk Show Host, Best-Selling Author, and
Fox Business Network Host, The Dave Ramsey Show
"There is something in this book for everyone, be they parent, child, teacher, student, boss, employee, or random Joe on the street. Ms. Norville addresses some of the key problems facing our society today (bad economy, chaotic schools, high stress) and shows you how respect can help turn those things around. Having self-respect, and also showing respect for others, can have tremendous power, as illustrated by the many examples and anecdotes in this book. Respect is a relatively simple concept, but one that is severely lacking in our society. And really, we're all to blame. As much as I hate to admit it, it really is easier to snipe back at someone's rude behavior than to show them respect, but the latter will really get you better results."